Goal: Improve stroke classification
Badisen Stroke Data Bank.
Decision making supported by case-based reasoning, multi-agent system to support team cooperation and assessment.
Acute strokes are medical emergencies that require from expert neurologists in order to detect the illness on the appropriate therapeutic time window. Thanks to the development of new treatments as the rt-Pa treatment mortality rates that have been descending in the last decades. However, the final diagnosis of the patients in often imprecise. That is, patient can have acute stroke as the diagnosis, but the clinical category of it is often unknown. This situation has been detected by the Spanish Association of Neurologists who has set up a repository of cases, Badisen. From its data base, we have designed a multi-agent case based system with the aim of giving support in the acute stroke diagnoses. An agent in the system keeps information of experiences in a single hospital, maintaining the particular decision criteria employed by the main physician. Agents collaborate in a lack of confidence in the isolated decision problem.