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Project Details




Main Researchers:





11/10/2023 – 10/10/2026

Joaquim Massana

+(34) 972 41 88 48


This project aims to research the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning models and algorithms that contribute to increasing energy efficiency in buildings, improving the functioning of buildings, the indoor environmental quality conditions of buildings and of the maintenance of the building facilities. The project is aimed at increasing knowledge about the conditions that affect buildings.

More specifically, the project contemplates implementing a system capable of carrying out predictions of the electrical consumption of buildings and implementing an FDD (Fault Detection and Diagnosis) system capable of predicting failures in buildings. These detections will also have to be able to be made at different levels of spatial and temporal aggregation. In addition, it is also planned to implement an intelligent and automated OC (Ongoing Commissioning) system that can make the facilities work at their optimal efficiency point and determining the causes of anomalies and corrective measures through a report or maintenance plan.

To have a global vision, these tools will be applied to different types of buildings such as hospital, administrative, sports and industrial.

This project has received funding from ACCIÓ – Agency for Business Competitiveness: ACE100/23/000057

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