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We attended the XPatient Barcelona Congress in Barcelona

September 14th, XPatient Barcelona Congress was held in Barcelona and its aims is to share experiences and generate knowledge around the evaluation of the patient’s experience. This congress is an action driven by a community formed by institutions in the field of administration, research, technology and hospital to publicize the research that is being done in the field of improving the quality of care.

eXiT group attended the most interesting sessions of the congress that were oriented to co-creation. Co-creation is a principle of product design that is being applied in the clinical field which involves the patient in all stages. This principle indicates that collective intelligence is better than any individual and therefore better and more efficient products are achieved.

To be able to co-create, it is necessary that users and consumers are prepared to intervene and that managers know how to give in control. With the inclusion of the patient within the design chain, it is possible to have in someone who lives the process from the beginning to the end in a synthesized way in the team. In addition to making the patient himself the main character of his illness.

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