Main Researchers:
2023 CLIMA 00090
29/01/2024 – 28/01/2026
Joan Colomer
+(34) 972418258
CLIMA project aims to promote the development of energy communities as relevant stakeholders in the energy value chain, with a focus on the region of Girona. To achieve this, the project has four main objectives: 1) design and develop a suite of energy services integrated with legacy systems and third-party solution; 2) raise awareness of sustainability and climate change and promote active participation in energy efficiency programs; 3) develop and implement intergenerational training, transfer, and engagement programs supported by a serious gaming platform; and 4) for end-users to calculate their costs and benefits based on their energy consumption profile and the distribution of costs and benefits among all end-users. Through these objectives, the CLIMA project aims to empower energy communities and promote their role in the transition to sustainable energy systems.
This project has received funding from AGAUR, with the support of Departament d’Acció Climàtica, Alimentació i Agenda Rural i pel Departmanet de Recerca i Universitats de la Generalitat de Catalunya – 2023 CLIMA 00090
Multi-vector energy management system including scheduling electrolyser, electric vehicle charging station and other assets in a real scenario
J. Massana; Ll. Burgas; S. Herraiz; J. Colomer; C. Pous
Journal of Cleaner Production. Volum: 380, Part 2.
Day-Ahead Scheduling of Controllable Switches and Energy Storage for Optimal Power Flow Considering Forecast Errors
J. Massana, L. Burgas, J. Colomer, J. Melendez, A. Ferrer.
8th International Congress on Energy Efficiency and Energy Related Materials (ENEFM)
Turkey. 13/10/2022
Leveraging bi-directional EV charging for flexibility services in the distribution grid-the case of fever project
CIRED Porto Workshop 2022: E-mobility and power distribution systems: Porto, Portugal, 2-3 June 2022
Publisher: Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Potential benefits of scheduling electric vehicle sessions over limiting charging power
Marc Cañigueral, Joaquim Meléndez
CIRED Porto Workshop 2022: E-mobility and power distribution systems: Porto, Portugal, 2-3 June 2022
Publisher: Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)