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The eXiT research group

The eXiT group, Control Engineering and Intelligent Systems (code GRCT 41), is an interdisciplinary research group of the Institute of Computer Science and Applications (iiiA) of the University of Girona (UdG).

The group has a solid background in digital transformation in health care (chronic diseases such as diabetes or epilepsy) and smart cities (buildings and communities, power and water distribution systems, energy islands) domains, thanks to its participation in several national and European projects (2021 SGR 01125)

Research Lines

The main research activity of the group is focused on the application of artificial intelligence principles (data mining and knowledge discovery, qualitative reasoning, case based reasoning, genetic algorithms, sequence learning, and other related machine learning techniques).

Medicine and healthcare

Incorporation of intelligent systems and biomedical engineering in health management and development of innovative medical technologies.

Smart cities and smart grids

Methods and tools to support the assessment of the efficiency of distribution systems in the context of Smart Cities and smart grids.



Knowledge transfer

Doctorate Degree Programmes

Joint Doctoral Programme in Bioinformatics

Science of data in bioinformatics

Doctoral Programme in Technology

Control engineering and intelligent systems

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PhD students, Master project, Final degree project


Innovation, Knowledge transfer


Post-doc, Stays, Collaborative projects

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Membership in technological platforms


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