Main researchers:
Modelling and estimation of flexibility potential of thermal loads in buildings and communities-THERMO-X
14/04/2022 – 13/04/2024
Carolina Madeira
This research project is focused on demand-side management (DSM) in form of flexibility of thermal loads. Shifting energy demand in time – has been considered one of the most cost-effective solutions for increasing renewable energy share in the energy systems. In 2018, households represented 26% of the final energy consumption in EU-27, where the main energy use was space heating (64% of the final energy consumption) and water heating (14.8%). The main objective of the project is shedding light on the DSM potential of thermal loads in buildings and communities and transferring the technology to relevant partners in the market.
The project on which these results are based has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 801342 (Tecniospring INDUSTRY) and the Government of Catalonia’s Agency for Business Competitiveness (ACCIÓ)