GEstión de Recursos energéticos distribuidos: Modelado y Optimización de flexibilidad para comunidades energéticas
Principal Investigators Joaquim Meléndez and Joan Colomer
Dates: 01/09/2023- 31/08/2026.
Funded from: Spanish ministry of Science and Research, European Union and Spanish State Research Agency.
Reference: AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ FEDER, UE
Gen-X project - Genetic and epigenetic study of ischemic stroke and its sex differences
Project coordinated by: Institut de Recerca de l'Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
Principal Investigator at UdG: Beatriz López
Dates: 20/03/2024- 19/03/2027
Sponsor: Fundació La Marató
Reference: 202306-31
AInergy: AI tools for improving the operation and energy performance in buildings
Principal Investigator: Joaquim Massana
Dates: 11/10/2023- 10/10/2026
Sponsor: ACCIÓ - Agency for Business Competitiveness
Reference: ACE100/23/000057
CLIMA - Social and technological challenges for the CreatIon, Leverage and MAnagement of energy communities
Principal Investigator: Joan Colomer
Dates: 29/01/2024- 28/01/2026.
Sponsor: AGAUR and Generalitat de Catalunya.
Reference: 2023 CLIMA 00090
RESCHOOL - Strategies and tOOls for Incentivization and management of flexibility in Energy Communities with distributed Resources
Principal investigator: Joaquim Meléndez
Partners: University of Stavanger, Utrech University, Bamboo Energy Tech, Research Institute of Sweden, European Renewable Energies Federation, European Science and Communication Institute, KM0 Energy, Resourcefully Consulting, ElectriCITY, Collective Energy, Centre for Research & Technology Hellas, Open Remote, City of Amsterdam, Diputació de Girona, Local Life
Dates: 01/01/2023- 31/07/2026.
Sponsor: European Commission.
Reference: HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-01 - Grant agreement No 101096490
Sistema de ‘set up’ intel·ligent per màquines d’impressió flexogràfica [FLEX UP]
Main eXiT researcher: Joan Colomer and Joaquim Meléndez
Dates: 2022-2024
Sponsor: ACCIO - Generalitat de Catalunya
Reference: EMT/1791/2021